Tag: modern medicine

person working through anorexia

Working through anorexia and other eating disorders

More than 30 million people in the U.S. are working through anorexia or other eating disorder every year. Eating disorders…

person wearing ceramic braces

The pros and cons of ceramic braces

Many people consider ceramic braces to be a direct improvement of metal braces. However, there are pros and cons to…

person holding money for the average cost of braces in 2022

What is the average cost of braces in 2022?

Dental braces are extremely popular. While they are mostly used by patients under the age of 18, almost one in…

person using compass for recognizing OCD behavior

Guide to recognizing OCD behavior

Many people struggle with both obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors from time to time. However, not all of those people…

An old man hugging his granddaughter and smiling, proving that there is no age limit for braces

Is there an age limit for braces?

Many people wonder whether they should have worn teeth braces while they were young. There is a misconception that there…

person thinking about signs of questionable therapeutic practices

What are some signs of questionable therapeutic practices?

The first step of any successful mental health journey is making the decision to talk to a therapist. You don't…

three Efficient ways to cure bad breath

Efficient ways to cure bad breath

No one wants to be around someone with bad breath. While bad breath may be rather easy to sort out…

Talking to a therapist vs talking to friends

Talking to a therapist vs talking to friends

Talking to a therapist can be hard at times since not all people are as comfortable with talking to therapists…

behavior therapy vs. psychoanalysis

Behavior therapy vs. psychoanalysis

Mental health issues are different than any other health issues. This is primarily due to the fact that every mental…

person wearing braces

Things to do before getting braces

Getting braces to straighten your teeth and improve your smile can be a challenge to some. Even if you choose…