Our Premium Selection of Top Online Therapy Companies

Make sure you weigh-in all the options of using technology to get the best remote mental healthcare.

Consumer Opinion Guide has developed a list of proven, well-rated online therapy companies to help you find a licensed counselor that will allow you long distance mental healthcare support. With our resources, we have combed through reviews and ratings to deliver a listing of online therapy companies with the highest rating scores.

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Calmerry is an online consulting platform connecting clients with first-class mental care professionals. The mission of the company is providing easy access to quality therapy and emotional support affordable to anyone. It hosts a supportive environment and a growing community of fully certified and detailly vetted therapists who draw upon clinical practices

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  • Licensed and vetted therapists
  • Flexibility in scheduling
  • Daily support sessions are available
  • Individual matching of clients and therapists
  • Affordable rates
  • One-on-one video sessions
  • No commute is necessary
  • Digital worksheets provided
  • Confidentiality


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The Online Therapy program is a well-thought program that can offer a lot to those in need of emotional support. The staff is highly qualified and has years of experience with treating mental health problems using proven and well-researched CBT methods.

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  • Access to hands-on tools 24/7
  • Available internationally
  • Evidence-based
  • Experienced & qualified therapists
  • HIPAA complaint
  • Live sessions
  • Long-term results


  • Can’t be used for emergency medical needs
  • No group therapies
  • No in-person, face-to-face, appointments
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Talkspace is the perfect substitution for traditional therapy. With 80% of Talkspace users finding this way of therapy as effective or more effective than traditional therapy, it’s the right choice for people who are looking for some help and support.

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  • Multiple monthly subscription plans are available
  • Convenient communication options
  • Teen counseling
  • Couples therapy
  • Medication management services
  • Licensed therapists
  • Option to choose your therapist from recommended suggestions


  • Group therapy is not available
  • No therapist bios are posted on the website
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Sesame offers coverage across the US, employing over 10 thousand medical practitioners that have since helped over 100 thousand patients. The platform allows doctors to charge their own price per appointment, lowering the overall expenses by as much as 60% by cutting out the middleman between patients and physicians. With Sesame, the platform users get clear care that involves just you, your doctor, and one upfront price.

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  • One transparent price per appointment.
  • No insurance is required.
  • Saves up to 60% by cutting out the middleman.
  • Doctors can provide prescriptions and order lab work.
  • Offers door-to-door delivery of medications.
  • All doctors are vetted and board-certified.


  • Appointment charges must be paid directly.
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HealthSapiens is an NYC-based online healthcare platform that connects patients with medical professionals. The medicine ranges from modern healthcare to traditional and alternative medicine. Doctors and therapists are available at all times, offering 24/7 medical support and guidance. The platform covers all 50 states via internet-connected devices and phones, and the platform charges a flat-rate monthly fee and no co-pay or per-visit fees.

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  • 24/7 availability to healthcare
  • Accessible from anywhere
  • Covers all 50 US states
  • No co-pay and per-visit charges
  • Licensed medical professionals
  • Low monthly payment plans
  • Affordable family plans
  • Confidential & private


  • Requires strong internet connection.
  • Does not accept insurance.
  • Therapists are automatically assigned.

With the technological advancements and the fast-paced progress of the modern world, physical medicine is constantly advancing. However, the passage of time has shown that a healthy body can only prolong one’s life so long as the mind can follow. And so, this century is slowly shifting the focus of healthcare on mental health. And from that standpoint, combined with the digitalization of the world, we have come to solutions such as online counseling and talking to therapists online, without ever having to leave the comfort of your home or office. Our team here at Consumer Opinion Guide has come to comprehend the importance of finding the best online therapy solutions and just how much that can improve the quality of life. And that is why our platform is here is to bring to you the most significant advantages of online therapy as well as a selection of top-rated mental healthcare providers.

What is Online Therapy?

  • Often also referred to as “remote therapy”, “video chat therapy”, and “virtual therapy”online therapy is a modern way of getting mental health counseling through remote digital channels such as your PC or mobile devices.

Of course, online counseling services have their limitations and shouldn’t be the first choice for people in need of emergency consultations with therapists. Since this is a system that requires scheduling consultations with online therapists, its’ goal is to provide more comfort to people that would prefer to get professional counseling without having to leave their homes. Online therapy is not only easier and more reliable – it is also more affordable than in-person sessions. But the main advantage of online therapy sessions is the convenience it offers to those with mobility issues, insecurities, or those that live too far from licensed therapists.

Why is Online Therapy gaining so much momentum?

Person exploring mental health websites on her laptop.
It is easier than ever to connect with an online therapist.

COVID-19 has shaken the very foundation of global society in the past 18 months. And with the sanctions and quarantines it brought, the need for remote mental healthcare became more important than ever. However, even before the pandemic struck, online counseling had a strong foundation set in rural parts of America due to the lack of actual licensed mental health professionals in those areas. Other cases in which online therapy is offering success would be for patients suffering from agoraphobia or anxiety that limits mobility. With more and more people needing to stay inside their homes, the need for online counseling is higher than ever. Due to this fact, more and more companies that offer online mental health counseling services are coming into prominence.

One branch that has been experimenting with online therapy for the past two decades has been the US military. Soldiers suffering from PTSD and other mental disorders partook in studies that compared traditional counseling vs. online therapy. The results showed little difference between the two methods that were used. This shows to point out that online counseling services are in no way a replacement to traditional treatment. That being said, for those that do not have easy access to traditional counseling services, the availability of an online psychologist can be a huge improvement in their lives.

The future of online therapy

What we can conclude from all these studies is that online therapy does have the potential to stand hand in hand with in-person counseling. While it is still recommended to utilize both the traditional approach and an online one, the leaps and bounds that technology offers are lowering the gap every day. It is entirely feasible that in some time online therapy is going to become the traditional method. We are nowhere near that point, of course, but the rise of affordable online therapy solutions is clear as day. Therefore, it is in your best interest to learn as much as you can about this therapy method, as it may very well become the norm sooner rather than later.

What are the different channels of online therapy?

When it comes to online virtual counseling, most online therapy companies offer at least one if not all of the following solutions:

  • Video counseling sessions.
  • Real-time chat sessions.
  • Phone call sessions.

Certain companies also provide the option of email or text message counseling, but it is not as common since it is limited to writing out what you want to say and requires additional measures to protect the patient’s anonymity. Nevertheless, the option is there. Furthermore, there is a large variety of online mental health services on the market, catering to almost any condition. You can find a certified professional to help you out, virtually, no matter where you might be. These solutions are easy to set up and schedule, as well.

Most of the time, to find a therapist online, all you need to do is fill out a quick form and you will be “good to go”. Of course, to ensure that you are working with tried-and-true professionals, additional research may be required. While some companies might not have a huge online presence just yet, most of the well-established ones do. You will be able to read customer reviews, compare ratings, and even find people with first-hand impressions.

What is the ideal solution for you?

Most patients have difficulties determining which type of therapy they are best suited for. That is why online therapy companies usually require patients to take short quizzes to determine which type of counselor best matches their needs. These quizzes, or forms, are there to provide you with the best approximation of what you need before you get to talk to a therapist online. They are not perfect, of course, which is why most companies allow you to change your therapist on the fly.

If you take a look at any of the mental health websites, you will see that flexibility is a common theme. Mental issues are almost infinitely varied and there is no “one size fits them all”. Due to this reason, online therapy platforms look to create questions that will allow you to get matched with an ideal professional in the shortest amount of time.

Whether you are looking to get into online therapy for anxiety or any other mental issue, you can rest assured that there will be an expert to help you out. While online counseling might not replace traditional counseling just yet, the ease of setting up appointments and nigh-perfect anonymity is slowly gaining momentum.

And if your condition is better served in a group, you can always opt for one of the online group therapy sessions. These might be the best compromise between sharing and not feeling uncomfortable with the presence of other people. You will be sharing a virtual room with these people but not have to abide by their actual presence. In some cases, this might be a huge improvement over traditional methods.

How to choose between different online therapy companies?

With everything that has been going on, the number of telemedicine and online therapy companies has been growing rapidly. With such a competitive market, knowing how to choose the right company is essential for ensuring your wellbeing. So, here are some of the factors that you should take into consideration when screening different online counseling companies:

  • Credibility. Check out the accreditations and memberships of the company. Also, look into the vetting process for the online therapists that the company employs.
  • Affordability. It’s always important to cross-compare different prices and payment plans that companies offer.
  • Customer Care. With such a delicate type of service, it’s important to have a company that offers great customer support.
  • Responsiveness. Companies should be able to accommodate multiple channels of communication for patients.
  • Security. These are sensitive matters that require finesse and confidentiality, so it’s important to find companies that demonstrate trust.

You can discern these factors through different means but customer reviews are your best starting point. To find the best online therapy services for your condition, however, you may need to “dig deeper”. This means scouring the internet for specifics, which is something that might take quite a bit of time. You can always get in touch with the company directly and have them answer your questions.

In fact, this is the best way to find the online psychologist therapy you are looking for. But before you get to that point, you will want to know that you are working with a credible, affordable, company. One that has a great reputation for customer care, is responsive and is trustworthy.

Recommended online therapy companies:

A brief guide to choosing your online therapist

Person looking up online counseling services.
Before you schedule a session, make sure to find the professional you like.

Once you decide on a certain company to match you with an online counselor, the next step is knowing how to choose between different therapists. And the best way to do that is by asking some fundamental questions such as:

  • When and how often do they typically respond?
  • Do they work evenings and weekends?
  • What is their therapeutic approach?
  • What are their areas of expertise?

Once you get answers to these questions, you will already have a strong base to make your decision. And if it turns out that you don’t end up feeling as comfortable with your initial choice, most online therapy companies offer the option of switching over to a new one. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should switch a therapist every time that you disagree with them or dislike their observations. Instead, focus on the quality of the connection – whether you feel that you are dealing with a person that you can trust and can even relate to.

After all, these are the core values to seek in building a working, reliable and dependable relationship with your therapist. But if you are dreading the moment of talking to your designated professional (more than the usual anxiety, that is), it is in your best interest to change them for another one.

The realities of psychotherapy

Remember this – therapy takes work and commitment. Challenging you sometimes, as well as holding you accountable to yourself is in the job description of every therapist. Progress often requires a certain dose of stepping out of your comfort zone and facing insecurities and harsh truths. While online psychotherapy is there to make you feel better in the long run, it usually comes with some dose of discomfort at times. Dealing with mental issues is hard, after all, and may require some difficult words and choices. Your therapist’s job is to help you out through remote therapy in any way that they can, after all.

But that still does not mean that you need to deal with just about anyone. The reality of online therapy sessions is that they are simply not suited for everyone. You may be working with a person who is as new to the whole thing as you are. Granted, that is not going to be the case most of the time but it is still a distinct possibility. What you want to do is try and find a counselor that you are comfortable with, as well as someone who is really looking to help you with your condition. And if you are looking to get into online family therapy sessions, you need to make sure that each family member “approves” of the therapist, as well. With this in mind, there are a few more things that you will want to consider.

Know what you need to work on

This is the most important part when it comes to choosing your therapy professionals. It will dictate whether you need to go for online cbt therapy, online family counseling, or any of the other online therapy options. While you may not receive a full diagnosis until the first session, you can still figure out your issues beforehand. If you believe you are struggling with depression, for example, you will want to choose professionals that specialize in it. Or maybe you are going through a divorce, death in the family, or even a stressful job change. If that is the case, you will not want to go to companies that specialize in family therapy online, would you?

Figure out the session length and frequency

Normally, most sessions, online family counseling included, will run for about an hour. However, this might not work for you, as you may need to have them last longer, or even shorter. By knowing your limitations, you will be able to figure out your online therapy options much easier. Then there’s the frequency of the sessions. Do you require to talk to a consultant a couple of days each week, or will once a month be preferable? You may even find yourself needing to talk to a therapist whenever you require their assistance.

The good news is that no matter what your requirement is, there will be a company that can meet it. There are companies that offer you the ability to text a therapist whenever you feel like it and get an almost immediate response. These companies usually charge a monthly fee, however, as opposed to charging per session. What you need to do is figure out how severe your issues are and choose the appropriate solution.

  • For example, if you are looking to get into online trauma therapy, you may want frequent, lengthy, sessions from the get-go. At other times, you may want to talk to a therapist once every few months.

Gender preference

a patient undergoing a therapy session
With online therapy sessions, it is easy to select your therapist based on gender.

The beauty of online therapy counseling is that you are completely free to choose your therapist by gender. In fact, most professional therapy networks will allow you to filter their staff by gender. This is quite a common thing to do, after all, and if you are utilizing a matching agent this is probably one of the first questions they will ask. However, you may not want to assume that a therapist of the same gender is a better fit for you. What you want to do is work with the best online mental health doctor you can find, regardless of what their gender is.

Field of specialization

There are numerous forms of psychotherapy. The three most common are:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (also known as online cbt therapy) helps its patients become aware of negative and inaccurate thinking. The basic premise is that it allows the patients to view challenging situations in a more clear manner, allowing them to respond in a way that is more effective.
  • Interpersonal Therapy involves improving depressive symptoms by focusing on relational patterns and interpersonal relationships. It is most commonly used in online anxiety counseling that has to do with interpersonal relations.
  • Psychodynamic Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on unconscious factors. It encourages free association of the patient, with the therapist serving as a guide. This form is particularly suited for video chat therapy and is one of the more popular online forms.

Ideally, you will know which form of therapy suits your needs the best before you start looking into companies that offer it. If you simply want to get into online therapy now, however, you can always figure out this later. The important thing is that you don’t miss out on the period when you are willing to help yourself. Knowing about your various options is all great but if it detracts you from actually seeking help, it is all for naught. If you find that you are getting anxious from all the research, feel free to simply get in touch with any company that offers online therapy 24/7. You can always figure out the minute details later on.

Session options

The most common form of online therapy is through a video chat. Needless to say, almost every single company out there is going to provide you with this option. However, online therapy sites offer much more than simple video chats. Their online therapy programs include the ability to text and voice message, as well as use custom-built apps. The fact of the matter is that some people simply can’t endure a video session but they are comfortable with texting. In fact, there are studies showing that online behavioral therapy by text alone is quite effective, coming close to even its traditional counterpart.

Bottom line is, you want to be able to have as many options as possible. Even if you believe that all you need are video calls for your online emotional support, having the option to text or voice message might come in handy in due time. And it is always better not to have to change a therapist mid-way just because they are not able to provide you with the required session options.

You will want to “cast a wide net”

The key to any search, online mental health care included, is to “cast a wide net”. This basically means that you will want to find as much data about available therapists as possible, to start with. Then you will want to filter that data.

Start by utilizing some of the top therapy article databases. You may also want to utilize one of the online therapy networks that have a search engine, or better yet, a matching agent. That way, you will be able to find a lot more therapists in a shorter amount of time. If you are relying on insurance to pay for your therapy, you may also want to include them in the process. But for the most part, you can also rely on simple Google searches. Sometimes, you can be a better investigator than most algorithms, after all.

Filtering the results

Data chart.
Data filtering is essential for finding online therapy services.

When it comes to filtering the data, you can consider this part to be much akin to online dating. The first question that needs to come to mind is what kind of person you want to build a therapeutic relationship with? It doesn’t matter if you are looking for online cbt treatment, online therapy for ADHD, or clinical psychologist online therapy, it is the person’s ideals, character, and credentials that you are looking for. Your therapist is going to be a big part of your life, after all, and you owe it to yourself to select one that you will like.

To do this, you will need to look at the individual therapist profiles. You can find these all over the internet, as well as customer reviews and additional information. While you are looking for a certified online therapist, first and foremost, you also want to take a look at how they like to run things. Most accomplished therapists have their own websites with extensive “About” information, as well as blogs and testimonials that may provide you with further insight.

What are the costs of online therapy sessions?

Calculator on a stack of dollar bills.
It’s important to explore all your options when searching for affordable online therapy solutions.

Different companies have different pricing plans for online therapy sessions. So, it’s important to find a system that you feel most comfortable with when it comes to payments. Since most online counseling sessions aren’t covered by insurance, you will have to pay out of your pocket. But the good news is that online therapy is cheaper than in-person therapy. The prices have a wide range to them, starting at around $75 a month and ranging upwards of $600 a month. You also have the ability to schedule individual sessions, without paying for a monthly subscription.

Our Rating System

The research we do is based on reviews that come from verified users just like yourself. We may use our own reviews as well as third-party reviews to establish the star rating for all the companies on our website. Our team constantly works in monitoring new reviews and incorporating them into the overall rating of all the businesses listed on our website.