Tag: modern medicine

woman in grey tank top

Will My Aligner Cause Dry Mouth?

A frequently asked question: Can my aligner cause dry mouth? You're on a mission to rock a radiant smile, and…

person suffering from high-functioning anxiety

High-Functioning Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

The term "high functioning anxiety" describes individuals who appear to have it all together but struggle internally with excessive worry…

person holding teeth aligners

Can Aligners Fix Hyperdontia?

Are you grappling with the challenges posed by hyperdontia, a condition characterized by an excess of teeth? If so, you…

person holding teeth aligners

Do Teeth Aligners Hurt?

If you're considering getting teeth aligners to straighten your teeth, you may be wondering whether they hurt. The idea of…

two people talking about mental health

How To Talk to Your Teen About Mental Health

As a parent, you play a crucial role in shaping your teen's mental and emotional well-being. Adolescence is a critical…

person exploring the role of virtual reality in mental health treatment

The Role of Virtual Reality in Mental Health Treatment

Virtual reality therapy seemed like a distant future just a few years ago. However, with the advancements in VR technology,…

person holding dental aligners

Can You Wear Aligners at Night Only?

Choosing to fix your teeth by wearing aligners is quite a commitment. If you want to achieve the best results,…

stem cell dental implants

All About Stem Cell Dental Implants

Many people lose a tooth or two over the course of their lives. Losing a tooth can happen due to…

man on orange sofa covering his face with a balloon

Signs of an Introverted Personality Type and How To Be More Assertive

The aloof, the forever reserved, the infinitely awkward. Death of a party! Introverts. What do we really know about them?…

toddler in striped shirt with spoon in mouth

Cavities in toddlers: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Once you become a parent, your priorities change. Drastically. Involuntarily. Stealthily. When? How? It just happens. Life and all its…