Tag: self-improvement tips

person holding a wrench in their teeth, referring to preventing tooth decay

Comprehensive guide to preventing tooth decay

Our teeth naturally decay over time. This is an unavoidable fact of life that you can never completely prevent. That…

person looking at green fields

How to improve your quality of life by moving

Quality of life is one of the most, if not the most, important factors in our everyday lives. But did…

behavior therapy vs. psychoanalysis

Behavior therapy vs. psychoanalysis

Mental health issues are different than any other health issues. This is primarily due to the fact that every mental…

anxiety medication

Pros and cons of taking anxiety medication

The term "anxiety" applies to a broad range of mental disorders which involve a heightened sense of worry and stress.…

a confident person

Ways in which braces improve your confidence

We usually opt for teeth braces because we have to. We either have a teeth issue that requires them, or…

Top digital healthcare trends - IoT

Top digital healthcare trends in 2022

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare industry has been pushed into overdrive. New trends emerge, and the…

history of braces

History of braces – how we got where we are today

People have had teeth issues since time immemorial. The first orthodontic braces date back as far as 400-300 BC! Dental…

person holding her hand in front of her

Top reasons why people leave therapy

Therapy, especially online therapy, is an excellent way to deal with numerous mental health issues. The best online mental health…

person suffering from one of the different types of depression

What are the different types of depression?

Everyone feels "down" from time to time. It is perfectly normal. However, if you happen to feel sad for prolonged…

argument, one of the most common couples therapy causes

5 common couples therapy causes

Believe it or not, most couples struggle to maintain a great relationship. However, for some couples, this struggle is more…