Tag: how to secure your home

home renovation project

12 home renovation safety tips

Renovating one's home can be quite a challenging prospect. No matter what you might have seen on TV or the…

two people trying to perform a home security audit

How to perform a home security audit

Over time, we tend to take many things for granted. But home security is one of those things that you…

a spacious backyard

How to secure your backyard from intruders

If you have the opportunity to live in a home that has a backyard, one of your highest priorities is…

person monitoring a security system

Monitored vs. self-monitored home security systems

When you want to install a home security system, you have two monitoring options. Self-monitoring and professional monitoring. Both come…

an angry person after making one of the common mistakes made by first-time home buyers

Common mistakes made by first-time home buyers

Purchasing a new home can be extremely exciting. But it can also be quite stressful and first-time home buyers are…

doors and windows in need of a replacement

Guide to replacing your windows and doors

Our doors and windows are the portals to our homes. Therefore, it is necessary that we keep them in the…

a key in a lock

10 security tips for apartment renters

Most of the time, we talk about security concerns that concern homeowners. However, according to iPropertyManagement.com, renters comprise 36% of…

a clear lawn, showing how to improve home security with landscaping

How to improve home security with landscaping

Home security is much more than simply getting a home security system. Landscaping can play a large role in how…

old door and window

10 signs that you need new doors and windows

Every homeowner asks themselves at least once, "Do I need new doors and windows?". The answer to this question relies…

ideas for keeping your home safe

10 ideas for keeping your home safe

Everyone wants to feel safe in their home. Safety is one of our basic needs, after all. But the unfortunate…