Tag: home protection guidelines

person trying to grasp a lightbulb, symbolizing how improving your home’s outdoor lighting improves home security

Why improving your home’s outdoor lighting improves home security

Outdoor lighting is an essential part of home security. It offers numerous benefits, such as improved deterrence, lower insurance premiums,…

a lightbulb

How to prepare for power outages during winter

Electricity is so prevalent in our lives it can be quite hard to imagine living without it. Yet, if an…

home renovation project

12 home renovation safety tips

Renovating one's home can be quite a challenging prospect. No matter what you might have seen on TV or the…

two people trying to perform a home security audit

How to perform a home security audit

Over time, we tend to take many things for granted. But home security is one of those things that you…

person renewing their home warranty

Pro tips for renewing your home warranty

A home warranty is an essential component of the security of your home, as it protects you from overly expensive…

a spacious backyard

How to secure your backyard from intruders

If you have the opportunity to live in a home that has a backyard, one of your highest priorities is…

person relaxing after taking care of tasks from end-of-summer home maintenance checklist

Your end-of-summer home maintenance checklist

With the summer's end rapidly approaching, it is time to check the condition of your summer home. The sweltering heat…

person monitoring a security system

Monitored vs. self-monitored home security systems

When you want to install a home security system, you have two monitoring options. Self-monitoring and professional monitoring. Both come…

an angry person after making one of the common mistakes made by first-time home buyers

Common mistakes made by first-time home buyers

Purchasing a new home can be extremely exciting. But it can also be quite stressful and first-time home buyers are…

doors and windows in need of a replacement

Guide to replacing your windows and doors

Our doors and windows are the portals to our homes. Therefore, it is necessary that we keep them in the…