Why Invisible Braces May Not Work for You
Invisible braces are the new “hotness” in the dental industry because they allow for practically invisible teeth correction, as their name implies. However, these braces are not for everyone. You need to qualify for them first. Also, there are many reasons why invisible braces may not work for you, even if you do qualify for them. Therefore, before you set your sights on one of the best invisible aligners on the market, you might want to figure out if they are a good match for your needs. And that is precisely what we will be talking about in this article. Once you finish reading, you will know whether you should invest in invisible braces.
How do invisible braces work?
Invisible braces work quite differently than traditional metal braces. Where traditional braces utilize a set of brackets and wires, invisible braces use a system of clear aligners. These aligners are custom-fit to match each individual patient and are based on the molds of the teeth. The aligners are made of plastic and gradually move the teeth into the correct position through gentle pressure. Of course, as their name implies, they are practically invisible while doing so. While everyone may figure out that you are wearing traditional metal braces, it is practically impossible to do the same for invisible braces. In fact, the “invisibility” factor is the primary reason why these braces are so popular.

However, there is another clear distinction between invisible and metal braces, one that is not in favor of the former. Clear aligners must be changed every few weeks and require a visit to the orthodontist’s office. Furthermore, there are other reasons why invisible braces haven’t completely replaced traditional ones yet. Let’s take a look at them.
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Reasons invisible braces may not work for you
While invisible braces are excellent at what they do, they also come with their own unique set of “problems.” You may not want to opt for invisible braces due to:
- Age limitations
- Scheduling issues
- Severe dental issues
- Lifestyle problems
Depending on your particular issue, it may also happen that other brace variants are much more suitable. There are many different types of braces to consider, and they all specialize in specific dental problems. Most of the other types, however, are not invisible. Thus, they are not as visually appealing when compared to invisible braces.
Invisible braces are not suitable for children
Since children’s teeth and mouths are constantly shifting and moving, orthodontists usually do not recommend invisible braces for anyone under the age of twelve. Some solutions on the market are more suitable for small children, and it is usually best to go with another teeth correction option. As always, the best thing to do is talk to your orthodontist about available options. One of the qualities of a good orthodontist is that they can figure out the best solution for your particular issue.
Another reason invisible braces are not suitable for kids is that children under the age of twelve are simply not as disciplined as invisible braces require them to be. Kids this young are usually prone to losing objects (including aligners) and may have difficulty with the strict daily-wear requirements.
Invisible braces require flexible scheduling
Invisible braces require you to visit the orthodontist’s office every now and then to fit new aligners. And then there are times when your aligners get damaged or lost. The difficulty of scheduling numerous dentist appointments is one of the main reasons why invisible braces may not work for you. If you want to overcome your smile insecurities but can’t fit so many appointments in a month, you may want to look into other, more permanent options. You will find that traditional metal braces require far less “hassle” than invisible braces.
If you have severe dental issues, invisible braces may not work for you
If you have a neuromuscular bite issue, invisible braces might not work. This is because the invisible braces simply do not have enough “power” to handle severe dental issues. Invisible braces do not create enough pressure to make significant teeth adjustments. That being said, with all the new dental tech trends that are changing the industry, new invisible brace variants are being developed all the time. But as it currently stands, invisible braces may not work for you if you have a severe dental problem.
Some of the dental issues that preclude the usage of invisible braces include teeth intrusion/extrusion, large gaps between teeth, heavily rotated teeth, pegged teeth, and too-short teeth. Lastly, if you have any prior dental work, such as bridges, you may not qualify for invisible braces in the first place.
Adjusting your lifestyle to account for invisible braces may be difficult
Having to wear braces for 22 hours each day is not something that most people can adapt to. Furthermore, most people tend to remove the aligners while they eat and fail to brush within fifteen minutes of doing so. This may lead to cavities, gum disease, and infections. Not to mention that you will also need to put some thought into meal planning with braces. Basically, wearing invisible braces requires you to change your daily routine, or you will not be able to draw out their full potential. If you simply can’t adjust your lifestyle to match, invisible braces may not work for you.
Who can benefit the most from invisible braces?
Despite all the potential drawbacks, invisible braces are still hugely popular among certain groups of people. Let’s look at who can benefit the most from these braces.
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Adults and older teenagers
Invisible braces are practically designed for adults and older teenagers. Their invisibility factor and discreetness allow for unimpeded work and school events without worrying about how you look. Teenagers can go to prom, graduation, and other events without thinking that their braces make them look less attractive, while working adults can focus on their job instead of how they look.
People with flexible schedules
As mentioned previously, one of the main reasons why invisible braces may not work for you is that they require frequent visits to the orthodontist’s office. This means that flexible scheduling is required. That is why these braces are recommended for people who can make the time for impromptu dentist appointments and those who can manage their schedules around their treatment.
People who eat a lot of junk food
One of the greatest advantages of invisible braces over traditional metal ones is that they are much more resistant to sugary, starchy, and processed foods. The fact that you can remove invisible braces before your meals means that you can practically eat whatever you want without any danger to the braces themselves. You simply can’t do that with traditional metal braces. The sugar and starch from junk food will, slowly but surely, damage the metal brackets.
You do need to adopt a specific oral hygiene routine, though. Otherwise, the food may get stuck between your teeth and aligners, potentially leading to cavities and infections.
Important considerations with invisible braces
Once you fit your first set of aligners, you can expect to need to wear them for as many as 22 hours each day. Furthermore, whenever you drink anything other than water or want to have a meal, you must remove the aligners. You will also need to remove them when brushing and flossing your teeth. Lastly, the invisible braces themselves require some maintenance. You should clean them with a toothbrush every time you take them out to brush and floss.
Removing the invisible braces
Another thing to point out is that while it is possible to remove the invisible braces as the situation requires (family photos, sports events, etc.), it is ill-advised to do so frequently. You need to wear the braces for as long as possible each day for them to do their work. The only times it is perfectly acceptable to remove them are when you brush and floss.
Treatment duration
Invisible braces treatment usually lasts around 16 months, and you will be expected to fit anywhere between 20 and 50 aligners in that time. Your specific case will determine the actual number.
Order the best invisible braces and secure the perfect smile today!
To answer why invisible braces may not work for you, you must carefully consider everything that wearing invisible braces entails. The best thing is to talk to your orthodontist at length and have them explain the entire process in as much detail as possible. Everyone is different, and some drawbacks might not even apply to you.
If you want to find even more information about invisible braces, all you need to do is browse and explore Consumer Opinion Guide. We will provide you with tips and tricks on how to get the maximum benefit from your invisible braces, as well as provide you with an overview of the best invisible braces companies.