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person holding her hand in front of her

Top reasons why people leave therapy

Therapy, especially online therapy, is an excellent way to deal with numerous mental health issues. The best online mental health…

"start up" on a whiteboard

Comprehensive guide to crowdfunding taxes

Crowdfunding can be an excellent way to finance your upcoming project. Many companies opt to crowdfund their operations, allowing them…

old door and window

10 signs that you need new doors and windows

Every homeowner asks themselves at least once, "Do I need new doors and windows?". The answer to this question relies…

person thinking about extending your home warranty

The pros and cons of extending your home warranty

Purchasing a home warranty plan is pretty much the same as purchasing insurance. They have their differences, of course, but…

person suffering from one of the different types of depression

What are the different types of depression?

Everyone feels "down" from time to time. It is perfectly normal. However, if you happen to feel sad for prolonged…

doctor giving tips on preventing gum disease

Tips for preventing gum disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a condition where the inner layer of the gum and bone pull away…

U.S. flag

Top states people are moving to in 2022

Due to the events that happened over the past few years, most notably the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans have found themselves…

person teaching others on how to handle tax identity theft

How to handle tax identity theft

Tax identity theft can be extremely serious. It happens when someone gets hold of your social security number and files…