Tag: home improvement

a clear lawn, showing how to improve home security with landscaping

How to improve home security with landscaping

Home security is much more than simply getting a home security system. Landscaping can play a large role in how…

old door and window

10 signs that you need new doors and windows

Every homeowner asks themselves at least once, "Do I need new doors and windows?". The answer to this question relies…

person thinking about extending your home warranty

The pros and cons of extending your home warranty

Purchasing a home warranty plan is pretty much the same as purchasing insurance. They have their differences, of course, but…

ideas for keeping your home safe

10 ideas for keeping your home safe

Everyone wants to feel safe in their home. Safety is one of our basic needs, after all. But the unfortunate…

person considering a septic system warranty

The importance of a septic system warranty

Living in an area that does not have a centralized sewer system pressures you into having a septic system of…

Homeowners insurance vs home appliance insurance

Homeowners insurance vs home appliance insurance

There has always been a debate among homeowners (both old and new) when it comes to homeowners insurance vs home…

one of the home repairs that you can do yourself - simple plumbing

6 home repairs that you can do yourself

Every home requires some repairs from time to time. If you call a professional for every single thing, you can…

Summer home inspection and maintenance guidelines.

Summer home inspection and maintenance tips

Summer is the perfect time to plan a getaway to your vacation home for some much-needed rest & relaxation. But…

one of the ways to improve your home security - mortice lock

9 ways to improve your home security

Home burglaries, while steadily declining over the years, are still a rather common occurrence. In the U.S., there are over…

keyboard with a "get me out of here" button

How to avoid home warranty scams

Purchasing a home warranty plan for your new home is usually a good idea. By doing so, you are protecting…