Should you relocate the security system to a new home?

Relocating from one home to another brings a slew of challenges. One of those challenges is deciding whether to relocate the security system when you move. After all, most homes already have a security system installed, and you might be creating a lot of work for minimal gains. However, if you want the best home security service possible, relocating your fully-customized security system might be the best idea. That said, there are a lot of pros and cons of transferring an existing security system, all of which will be detailed in this article.

Should you take your security system with you when you move?

To be completely fair, most of the time, the best thing to do when moving to a new home is to install a new home security system. This is due to the fact that you can take advantage of newer technologies and smart integrations and the fact that newer equipment is usually more cost-efficient. Moreover, even the best moving companies may have difficulties relocating a complex and complicated home security system to a new home.

hand touching a round grey smart home device with a clock
Newer home security systems seamlessly integrate with smart technology.

You can also go the DIY route, where you will be the one responsible for installing a home security system in your new home. Only do this if you fully understand the intricacies involved in the installation, however. It is very easy to miss a step and make a mistake that results in compromising your home security.

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As with almost everything else in life, the decision on whether to relocate the security system is not as clear-cut as you might like it to be. What you need to do is weigh the pros and cons of relocating the security system against the pros and cons of leaving your home security system behind. With that in mind, let’s see about the former.

Pros and cons of relocating the security system

Before we get into the actual pros and cons, it is important to understand that relocating a wired security system is extremely difficult and is usually not worth your time. This is due to the fact that you will need to make significant adjustments to your previous home, which may come with hefty labor/repair costs. That is why you will want to compare the cost of installing a new home security system before you make a choice. It might so happen that it is way cheaper to install a new security system, one that may also be better than your current one, than it is to relocate an existing system.

With that in mind, let’s see about the pros and cons.


  • You get to keep your customized home security system – This is the primary reason why people want to relocate their existing home security systems. You may have years’ worth of customizations and tinkering that will all go to waste when you relocate to a new home. For many people, this is simply unacceptable. By relocating the security system, you get to keep all your customizations.
  • Your home will be safe from day one – When you transfer your home security system, you know that your home is adequately protected. You will not have to wonder whether the home’s security system is “up to spec” and can feel safe from day one. Even so, you may still want to look at a few home burglary statistics to consider and make fine adjustments to the system.
  • It is still cheaper to move a home security system than to get a new one – This is another big reason why you may want to relocate the security system. If your new home does not already have a home security system, buying a new system is usually a lot more expensive than relocating the security system from your old home. Basically, if you want to burglar proof your home on a budget, transferring your security system might be the best option. Just make sure that it is actually the cheaper option.
person holding a mobile phone and two $1 bills
Most people choose to relocate the security system due to potential savings.


  • Your security system might not be appropriate for your new home – Every good home security system is specifically designed for a specific home. That means that transferring a system from one home to another may leave you with significant security loopholes. You can, of course, augment the system with additional hardware, but if you need to do so, you might as well get a brand-new home security system to start with and not take on the risks of DIY home security installation. After all, most professional home security companies will not help you tinker with a security system that they haven’t installed.
  • Relocating the security system can be quite difficult – Most security systems feature numerous parts that are screwed into the walls. The more of these parts within your home security system, the more difficult (and costlier) the relocation will be. Not to mention that there will be holes in the walls that you need to fix. The entire process can be extremely stressful, and it might not be in your best interest to add this stress to an already stressful relocation.

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Alright, those were the pros and cons of taking your home security system with you. Now, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of the other option.

Pros and cons of leaving your security system behind

You also have to consider leaving your home security system behind when moving to a new home. This option also has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • There’s no hassle
  • You get a brand-new home security system
  • Your old home will be more attractive to potential buyers
person lying on the couch and reading a book
You will have more time to lean back and relax.


There is but a single con to leaving your home security system behind: Installing a new system that is exactly the same (or better) than the old one will usually cost more.

Your decision to relocate the security system or not will ultimately depend on your particular situation. It is also possible that the safety of your new location might play a large role in your decision.  If you have the means to get a brand new home security system, it is usually in your best intention to do so.

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If you need more information about home security system prices, home security system companies, and anything else that concerns home security, Consumer Opinion Guide is your go-to resource. Our information will provide you with all you need to make the best decision! Good luck!

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