Pro tips for cleaning and maintaining kitchen appliances

Having a clean and well-maintained kitchen is something we all aspire to. However, despite our best efforts, our kitchen is seldom clean as we want it to be. Cleaning and maintaining kitchen appliances can be a lot of work, after all. But all that work can be easier if you adopt some tips from the best home warranty service consultants. In this article, we will focus on cleaning and maintaining all major kitchen appliances, as well as some smaller ones.

Cleaning and maintaining kitchen appliances 101

While a kitchen can have an infinite number of different appliances, they can mostly be categorized into the following:

  • Refrigerator
  • Dishwasher
  • Microwave
  • Kitchen stove and oven
  • Stainless-steel appliances
  • Washing machine
a full refrigerator
You will want to empty your refrigerator prior to cleaning.

Of course, as every appliance is different, specific instructions for cleaning and maintaining can be found in the user manual. Always refer to it before you start cleaning and/or maintaining your appliances. While our tips are mostly universal, it may so happen that your particular appliance requires another approach. To avoid any problems and issues, always consult the user manual.

Cleaning the refrigerator

An appliance that is synonymous with the kitchen is also one that you need to pay the most attention to. Carefully cleaning and maintaining your refrigerator can make all the difference between a clean kitchen and a sloppy one. It will also get rid of any bad odors from expired foodstuff and reduce clutter.

To start with, you will either want to create a homemade solution from water and vinegar or purchase a commercial one. If going for the former, mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. When you’re done using this solution, you can put it in your newly clean refrigerator. Just make sure to label the bottle to avoid any mishaps.

All you need to do is simply spray and wipe up any spills as they inevitably occur. For in-depth cleaning, you will want to remove any drawers and shelves, making it easier to clean all the “hidden” surfaces. Remember to clean the door gasket, as well. If you want to eliminate clutter, you might want to consider investing in products that will make organizing your fridge easier. While you’re cleaning your fridge, be on the lookout for any excess water. This may indicate a problem with the refrigerator, especially the freezer component. 

Cleaning and maintaining a dishwasher

Most people do not even consider cleaning and maintaining their dishwashers, thinking that it is their job to clean and not the other way around. But dishwashers require routine cleanup and maintenance just like any other appliance.

What you want to do is to fill the dishwasher’s cup with vinegar and place that cup on the top rack of the empty dishwasher. Then simply run the dishwasher on the hottest, longest, cycle it can manage. By doing so, the vinegar will loosen any food still in the dishwasher, sanitize it, and soap scum as well. Vinegar is generally amazing for cleaning and maintaining kitchen appliances.

But if you want a more “heavy-duty” solution, you will want to tackle all the sides and tops of the door, removing any and all accessories and removable parts. Then you give each part a thorough scrubbing. For the spray arm, you will want to utilize a soft toothbrush to remove any debris that might have gotten caught in the sprayers. Lastly, you will use a solution of lemon juice and water to tackle any hard water deposits.

a dishwasher
Your dishwasher needs some cleaning love, too!

During the cleaning process, you will also want to be on the lookout for any parts that seem frayed or worn out. You may need to replace these parts from time to time to keep your dishwasher in optimal condition. 


A microwave can be particularly annoying to clean, due to the fact that sauce, grease, and soup can often be found inside, in hard-to-reach places. That is why you should not postpone microwave cleaning, as you will have a much easier time if you clean it on a weekly basis. That being said, cleaning the microwave is actually not that difficult. All you are going to need is a simple bowl of water and a wipe. Here’s how to clean a microwave in an easy and straightforward manner:

First, fill a bowl with water and place it in the microwave. Make sure that the bowl itself is microwave-safe to avoid any mishaps. Do not cover the bowl. You can let the microwave heat the bowl then, keep it uncovered until the water starts to boil. This will “loosen up” any foodstuff inside the microwave, making it easy for you to wipe it clean.

Maintaining a microwave, on the other hand, is not something that you can do on your own. Unless, of course, you happen to be a microwave specialist. The only thing you can do is make sure that your microwave is as clean as possible at all times. Try not to stack any heavy items on top of it, as that might harm some microwaves. If your microwave requires repairs, your best course of action is to consult a professional.

Kitchen stove and oven

Other appliances that are synonymous with the kitchen are the kitchen stove and kitchen oven. They are doing most of the “work”, and can quickly be covered with oil splatters, seasoning spills, etc. The best tip that we can give you about cleaning and maintaining kitchen appliances is very simple: Be quick about it! If you are vigilant and spot the smears as they happen, you will be able to remove them with a flick. But if you leave them there, they become progressively harder to clean as time passes. Make sure that you are careful, though, as you don’t want to be overly hasty around very hot appliances.

a gas stove
Don’t forget that the stove can get very hot!

You don’t need to obsess about cleaning everything straight away, however, as most stains can sit a day or two without becoming overly resilient. And here’s how you can get rid of those pesky stains:

The first thing to do is to soak the offending stain in the strongest cleaner your appliance can handle. Let it sit for some time before coming back to it. Then, utilize a single-edged scraper to carefully scrape any debris. You will want to hold the blade at an angle, around 30 to 40 degrees is optimal. After that, all you need to do is wipe the appliance clean.

Cleaning the oven

As for the oven, you will want to heat it to 225 degrees first, after which you will place a pan of water in it. You then let that water sit there for at least 15 minutes before turning off the oven. Allow the water some time to cool before mixing it with dishwashing soap. After that, simply dip a sponge into the mixture and thoroughly scrub the inside of the oven.

Maintaining your kitchen stove and oven is all about making sure that no spills or stains are present for too long. Over time, these can compromise the appliances.

How to clean stainless steel appliances

It is interesting that you even need to clean “stainless” steel appliances in the first place. The very name “stainless” means that you shouldn’t have to, right? In reality, even though these appliances should require little to no cleaning, the fact of the matter is that they do. While most stains will not keep on them, you will still have to deal with fingerprints, smudges, and water spots.

You can clean water spots easily with distilled white vinegar. Let the vinegar boil before soaking a towel in it for 30 minutes. After that, sprinkle some baking soda into the towel. When scrubbing, utilize the grain of the towel for optimal efficiency. Clean and dry afterward. This is one of the most effective and efficient ways of cleaning and maintaining kitchen appliances.

vinegar, representing one of the best ways of cleaning and maintaining kitchen appliances
Vinegar is amazing for cleaning and maintaining kitchen appliances.

Fingerprints are really easy to remove, all you need is some rubbing alcohol and a soft cloth to wipe them out. And if you want your stainless steel appliances to be extra shiny, simply rub their surfaces with a soft cloth that has a few drops of lemon oil on it.

Maintenance of stainless steel appliances varies from appliance to appliance, and you might need to consult a professional for any repairs. Simply keeping them clean will prolong their work-life considerably, however.

Cleaning the washing machine

The easiest way to clean a washing machine is to simply pour two cups of vinegar into the machine drum, before running the longest and hottest cycle your machine is capable of. Once the cycle is complete, you will prepare a solution of 1/4 vinegar and one quart of warm water. While you want to maintain a good vinegar to water ratio, you don’t really need to stress too much about it. Dip a toothbrush into the mixture and carefully wipe the inside of the machine. If you have a removable soap dispenser, you will want to remove it and let it soak in vinegar for some time before scrubbing it.

After you clean the inside of the washing machine, run another cycle like the previous one but without any vinegar or detergent this time.

Bonus tip: Cleaning the dryer

For dryers, the first thing you want to do is clean their filters/lint screens, and lint traps, before every load. For best results, you may want to swing by your nearby home center and pick up a specialty dryer brush. These brushes will bend easily, allowing you to get into the trap compartment itself.

Cleaning and maintaining kitchen appliances in an optimal way requires some knowledge and experience. You now have the required knowledge, all you need is some experience! If you want to know more about cleaning, kitchen appliances, or hire a professional company to do the cleaning for you, simply explore Consumer Opinion Guide. Our knowledge database is chock full of helpful articles that can provide you with an optimal way of doing things.

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